Are you preparing for an audition and have no idea which monologue to choose? Do you know the character but can’t find a monologue that really showcases his voice and personality? Or are you struggling to understand what the director is looking for when it comes to selecting a monologue for an acting audition? If so, we have some great advice on choosing, analyzing and performing a monologue for your next audition!

What is a monologue and why is it so important?

How to find the right monologue for your auditionA monologue is a speech or piece of writing spoken by one person. When researching monologues for an audition, it’s important to remember that they are written pieces; they are not improv. For this reason, they’re written to showcase a character’s voice and personality, as well as the intention behind the words. Understanding and analyzing the monologue you’re considering will help you understand what the director is looking for and determine if that monologue is right for you! The importance of the monologue is two-fold: – It allows the auditioning actor to show off his ability to embody a character. – The monologue is also a director’s way of getting insight into the actor’s creative process, personality and ability to understand and connect with others.

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How to find the right monologue for your audition

Finding the right monologue for your audition might seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be easy and fun! Here are a few tips for finding the perfect monologue for your audition: – First, it’s important to understand the character you’re trying to portray. Take the time to read through the script and really try and understand the character’s personality and motivations. You can even mark the script to help you remember key phrases and passages that might be helpful! – Once you understand the character and his world, look through monologue books and online databases to find monologues that could be used for the audition. Often, the book or database will include the character’s name in the title of the monologue. This makes it easier to find the right piece! – Once you’ve found a few monologues you think might work, it’s a good idea to read through them again, but this time, imagine your character saying the words. Which one resonates with you the most? Which monologue gets you excited to share it with the director? For many actors, this is where the fun really begins!

Which monologues are best for auditions?

When selecting a monologue for your next audition, consider the following factors: – Does the monologue have 2 characters? Many auditions will have 2 characters, so make sure you’re prepared for both! – Is the monologue long? If so, it’s important to make sure you don’t rush or mumble words. Keeping the pace at a moderate speed will ensure you’re clear and concise with the words. – Is the monologue short? If the monologue is short (less than a minute), be careful not to over-act or go overboard with emotions. – Is the monologue funny or sad? If it’s a funny monologue, make sure you’re keeping it simple, otherwise you might risk overdoing it and making a mistake. If the monologue is sad, make sure to really focus on the words and emotions behind them.

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Tips for analyzing a monologue for an acting audition

– First, you’ll want to find the theme of the monologue. What is the writer trying to convey? What’s the intention behind the words? – Next, focus on the character. Who is he and what is his personality like? Is he confident or nervous? Does he feel remorseful or angry? – Once you’ve examined the character, go back and look at the words again. What emotions are they trying to convey? What is the overall theme of the monologue? – Next, you want to make sure you understand the tone of the monologue. – Lastly, you want to practice the monologue over and over again. Make sure you’re doing vocal warm-ups before every practice session!

Which emotions to convey when performing a monologue?

When performing a monologue for an audition, you want to convey a range of emotions. First, you want to make sure the monologue is appropriate for the age of the character. Next, you want to make sure you’re conveying the intended emotions behind the words. – Happy – A happy monologue will have a celebratory tone to it. It will sound happy, confident and bold. You’ll want to make sure you’re smiling and your body language is open and inviting. – Sad – A sad monologue will have a mournful tone to it. You’ll want to make sure you’re conveying a feeling of regret and remorse. Keep your movements slow and simple and keep your head down. – Angry – An angry monologue will have an aggressive tone to it. Make sure your movements are sharp and your voice is raised. Clench your fists, keep your shoulders back and focus on breathing through your nose.

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3 monologue tips from Pros

– Practice, practice, practice! It’s important to make sure you’re familiar with the monologue you’re planning on using. Practicing the monologue over and over again will help you memorize it and make sure there are no mistakes or mumbling. – Breathe! When you’re performing a monologue, it’s easy to forget to breathe! Make sure you’re taking slow, deep breaths throughout the monologue. This will help you stay calm, collected and focused. – Relax! It’s easy to get anxious during an audition, but the key to success is remaining relaxed. Take a few deep breaths, visualize yourself performing well and remember, it’s just a show!


When it comes to auditions, a monologue is perhaps the most important piece of the puzzle! With the right monologue, you have the chance to really show off your skills and personality and make a lasting impression. Remember, monologues are written pieces so it’s important to understand the intention behind the words and what the director is looking for. With the right preparation and practice, you can make the most of your monologue and have a better chance at booking the role!