You want to get a manager because you think they can help your career. But how do you approach them when they are so inaccessible? There was a way to talk to them directly, not through their assistants or PR reps.

Does an actor need a manager?

Every actor needs a manager. Even the most famous actors have managers. A manager is your business partner who looks after you and your career. They will also advise you on your job and help you achieve your goals. If successful, they will also earn a percentage of your earnings, so they are not doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. It’s crucial to find a good manager. Even if you are at the beginning of your career and have no auditions, you need a manager. Why? Because finding a manager as a beginner is much easier than as a successful and busy actor.

Is it hard to get a manager to act?

Getting a manager as a beginner can be challenging, but it isn’t impossible. Managers are interested in you if you have a proven track record of success. This could be that you have already booked roles in commercials or movies or have already been on TV shows. These are things that can help you get the attention of managers, as they show that you have the potential to make money and be successful as an actor. But you can also get managers’ attention when you don’t have any credits yet.

How do I find a manager?

How do I find a manager for actingFind a manager by networking. Go to acting events and meet other actors. You can also join social media groups for actors. Actors are generally friendly and helpful people. Try to get in touch with managers in your network. Try to find managers who work with actors like you. For example, if you’re an Asian actor, try to find a manager who specializes in Asian actors.

How much does an actor-manager cost?

How much does an actor-manager cost

The cost of a manager varies depending on the manager. You can expect to pay anywhere between 10 to 20 percent of your income. This also includes the money you get from commercials and modeling jobs, which is why having a manager from the beginning of your career is essential. Managers will also take a percentage of your earnings when you get a role. This is called your advance. You can expect to pay anywhere between $500 to $2,000 as an advance. The manager will then pay you back when you get your first paycheck. Keep in mind that managers charge you a percentage of your earnings. If you earn $10,000 and give your manager 20 percent, they will get $2,000 from your payments. So if you earn $10,000, you get $8,000.

Can acting managers get you auditions?

No, managers don’t get you auditions. They help you get the auditions and book them. Managers will help you with your headshots and your resume. They will also help you with your website and social media. Managers will also try to get you auditions by submitting your resume and headshot to casting directors and producers. Managers will also help you prepare for auditions.

Prepare Questions for Prospective Managers

The best way to get attention from managers is to get in touch with them. Here are questions that you can use to get their attention: 

  1. What are your current clients earning? This shows them that you are serious and that you want to know what your potential earnings are. 
  2. How do you plan to get me auditions? This shows them that you want to know what they do and how they work. 
  3. What kind of clients do you work with? This shows them that you want to work with the people they work with. 
  4. How many actors do you work with? This shows them that you want to work with a manager who has time for you and other clients. 
  5. How do you plan to market me? This shows them that you want to know how they can deal with you and what marketing strategies they use.


Getting a manager can be difficult, especially if you don’t have any credits or experience. The first step is to network, and then you must be proactive in getting their attention. The best way to get a manager is to get in touch with them. Keep in mind that managers are looking for successful actors. If you don’t have any credits, you need to show that you have the potential to earn money as an actor.